Create Account REST API : How to Create an Account of Customer, Admin

In this article, I am going to explain to you how to use create account rest api in Magento 2. In this, I will also explain to you how to create customer and admin accounts using REST API.

Whenever you order a product inside the Magento store, there are three ways to do it.

By creating a customer account, we can order the product, which we call registered users or they are also called logged-in customers.

Another way is that customers can order products without registering an account, whom we know as guest users.

The third way is that the guest customer is registered only at the time of ordering.

As a guest user who logs in or creates an account when ordering
Through this article, I am going to explain how to register a client through the REST endpoint.



Admin Create Account REST API

Now if you are looking for the REST API endpoint to create Magento 2 admin users s you can follow the below steps.



The below details are the basic structure of REST APIs to call in Magento 2.

<HTTP verb> http://<host>/rest/<scope>/<endpoint>

HTTP headers:

Through this section, we send the required authentication details and tell the Magento store that we are the authentic user who can access the requested data.


Through this section, we send necessary valid details along with the endpoint.

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/tfa/provider/google/authenticate
"username": "admin",
"password": "<admin-password>",
"otp": "<otp-value>"

There is no API to create a Magento admin user you can get the access token of the admin user by using the rest API.

But you can create an admin account from the Magento 2 store in the admin.

Admin Panel > System > Permissions > All User > New User.



When you use the Magento admin rest API to get the access token that returns the admin’s access token in the following format.


Now, whenever you need to access the backend details or any other details then you have to use this token in the header for the authorization in every call and that header token validate then allows you to access the store details.



Customer REST API to Create Account


To create a customer, we can send all the details in the payload, in the first step I have only added four fields to create a customer in a short way.

But when you create a customer through rest API, all the other fields are optional, that's why you don't need to add all the fields in order to create customer accounts. You can create a customer by sending only four details in the payload in the Rest API.


Method 1: REST API to Create Customer in Magento 2


POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/customers

Method: POST

Authorization: Not required

Body: raw: JSON

Headers: Content-Type: application/json

"customer": {
"email": "",
"firstname": "Hemant",
"lastname": "Singh"
"password": "aaAdm378in@#123"

Create Account REST API in Magento 2



"id": 4,
"group_id": 1,
"created_at": "2022-01-14 18:38:21",
"updated_at": "2022-01-14 18:38:21",
"created_in": "Default Store View",
"email": "",
"firstname": "Hemant",
"lastname": "Singh",
"store_id": 1,
"website_id": 1,
"addresses": [],
"disable_auto_group_change": 0,
"extension_attributes": {
"is_subscribed": false


Method 2: Create Customer REST API

In this step I am adding full customer details in payload else other details will be the same as the first methiod.

create customer rest api in detail


"id": 5,
"group_id": 1,
"default_billing": "3",
"default_shipping": "3",
"created_at": "2022-01-14 19:02:46",
"updated_at": "2022-01-14 19:02:47",
"created_in": "Default Store View",
"email": "",
"firstname": "Hemant",
"lastname": "Singh",
"store_id": 1,
"website_id": 1,
"addresses": [
"id": 3,
"customer_id": 5,
"region": {
"region_code": "UP",
"region": "Uttar Pradesh",
"region_id": 566
"region_id": 566,
"country_id": "IN",
"street": [
"telephone": "7992293862",
"postcode": "201301",
"city": "Noida",
"firstname": "Hemant",
"lastname": "Singh",
"default_shipping": true,
"default_billing": true
"disable_auto_group_change": 0,
"extension_attributes": {
"is_subscribed": false


If you log in to your Magento 2 store with any of the username and password details that you have given while creating the account using REST API, then it will log in successfully.

Or if you go to All Customers in the admin of the store, then your new account that has been created will appear.

Now if you want to implement login functionality using Magento rest api then you can use login rest API.


Read more: Magento 2 Login REST API: How to Login Customer, Admin


Other Post:

PayPal Account: How to Create New PayPal Account, Transfer

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