How to get Traffic on Social Media Account

Building or create social media traffic is a lot like a city planner knowing how to efficiently get traffic in and out of a city. If each roadway into a city is a different source of website visitors, your social media traffic should certainly be a pillar to your highway infrastructure.

Getting people to your website through social media engagement can be tricky, especially if you’re on a limited budget and already attempting paid advertising. While paid social can certainly help boost your website traffic, how do you get people to go to your social channels?

As we all know, social media has the ability to be a major source of traffic to your site. The larger presence you build on social media, the more you can rely on steady social media traffic to your site.

How Do You Increase or Create Social Media Traffic?

Increasing your social media traffic happens when you engage and build relationships on each network. Being readily available for customers, brand loyalists and potential buyers it helps you nurture these people through the purchasing process.

1. Fill in your profile.

What’s the first thing people see when they click your social media page?

Your profile!

Whether it’s your Twitter bio, Facebook About section or LinkedIn company page, your profile shows visitors information about your business.

That makes it the perfect spot to tell everyone a little about your business, and drop a link to your website.

Create Social Media Traffic -About Wishudeal

Social media now drives 31% of all referral traffic. You can get a slice of that action by adding these backlinks to your site.

If people are interested in the type of content you’re sharing and discussing, they’ll likely be interested in finding out where they can get more.

Not only does this backlink give readers a chance to click-through to see what you’re all about, but you’ll have generated another visitor to your site, just like that!

Action Step: Make sure there’s a link to your website’s homepage on all of your social media profiles.

2. Promote your blog content.

You put tons of effort into writing content for your blog, and want the world to see your latest masterpiece. But before you know it, two months have passed and only few people have feasted their eyes on it.

What point is there for creating great content if people aren’t going to read it? You can fix this by promoting your posts on social media.

It’s been found that brands who create 15 blog posts per month (and share that content through social media) average 1,200 new leads per month – proving it’s not impossible to get your content seen by ideal customers.

Of course, you don’t have to create 15 blog posts per month before you can share your content on social media and start seeing tangible results. You can start promoting at any point, with any piece of content.

After all, you’re always building your profile, and recent followers might’ve missed content you published weeks ago.

Start by creating a social media schedule that promotes your old content. You can do this automatically using tools like BufferSocial Jukebox, and Hootsuite.


3. Make your content easy to share.

What’s better than knowing people are reading your blog content? Seeing that they’ve shared it with their friends and coworkers!

Chances are you’ve spent part of your lunch break or evening browsing Facebook. You’ve seen a friend share an interesting link or video, and you’ve clicked-through to learn more.

That’s the same degree of sharing you should be fostering for your content.

Allow – and encourage – existing site visitors to share content hosted on your blog by embedding a social sharing tool. Some will even show the number of shares earned by each post, like this example on Social Media Examiner:

4. Post when your audience is active.

What good is posting on social media if your target audience isn’t online to see it? Sure, you might get some hits, but are they likely to care what you have to say? Or will they only contribute to your ever-increasing bounce rate?

The best time to post on social media is when your target audience is most active – their “peak time.”

When initially building your social strategy, follow these general guidelines for when it’s best to post on social media

Once you're more established, start testing the waters to see what times drive the most engagements and click-through.

Followerwonk is a fantastic (free!) tool that can help with this step. It determines what time of day your audience is most active, allowing you to tailor your posting schedule around their daily routines.

Simply hit the Analyze tab, enter your Twitter handle and select “Analyze their followers”.

5. Focus on sharing visual content.

It’s easy to scroll endlessly through a social media feed and miss content that might be interesting or otherwise helpful. Stop potential site visitors from doing the same by sharing visual content that stands out.

Did you know that visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content?

In addition, tweets with images received 150% more retweets than those without. So, if you’re using visual graphics on Twitter, you could position your content (and website links!) in front of more ideal customers.

Create Social Media Traffic - tweets-with-images-stats

Add elements like:

  • Graphs
  • Infographics
  • GIFs
  • Videos
  • Photos
  • Animations

These will make your audience more likely to click your social update, and share it themselves!


Create Social Media Traffic: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

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